Other planets and bodies

Child Boards

[-] Moon

[-] Mercury

[-] Mars


(1/3) > >>

[1] Titan - similar gEUlogy to Earth/Mars/Venus/Mercury?

[2] MOVED: Dark Earth, Terra preta and the Terramare culture (Black Earth / Chernozem)

[3] MOVED: Mass Extinctions triggered by energy imput? Dark Matter or electrical surge?

[4] MOVED: The largest natural Pitch Lake - millions of years old or alive and kicking?

[5] MOVED: The KTB superdeep borehole (German Continental Deep Drilling Program)

[6] MOVED: gEUlogy and Earth Catastrophes sites in an Electric Universe

[7] MOVED: your twisting my melon man

[8] MOVED: the Great English earthquake 1884

[9] MOVED: In The Beginning...


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